Monday 13 December 2010

Portfolio Task Two (Modernist Graphic Design)

Modernism proposes new forms of art on the grounds that these are more appropriate to the present time. It is thus characterised by constant innovation. But modern art has often been driven too by various social and political agendas. These were often utopian, and modernism was in general associated with ideal visions of human life and society and a belief in progress. (

Russia at the time when this piece of modernist design was created was going through massive change and along with that change, it uses new techniques such as mixing medias and photo montage this reflex the times and the industrialisation of Russia. 

The simplicity of this piece, with the block colours and simple shapes was a common aspect of modernist Graphic Design, this is also a representation of the new age of science and progress.  

A classic piece of Russian Modern Graphic Design, the sharp angular shapes signifying the red army piercing through the white army in the Russian Civil war this showing the new the future and showing an emphasis on human life and society.    

This piece of graphic design is typically modernist with its experimental use of type and layout making an interesting way of creating image using type.  

The London Underground map a great piece of modern graphic design, with an emphasis on the clean cut imagery representative of what the underground looks like, making a truly multinational piece, allowing anyone to use it.  

Modernist Graphic Design

Friday 10 December 2010

Monday 6 December 2010


Signifier - The headline for the article and the imagery of the previous princess and the soon to be new princess.

Signified - The world seems to already have Kate Middleton condemned to a similar fate as her husband to be mother. 

Denotation -That to become a royal you must be trained and you must be apart of the elite, which may lead to some sort of mental breakdown without the right preparation. 

Connotation - It portrays the royal family as having a perception around them of being an elitist segment of British society. it also connotes a betterment to other classes or family backgrounds.   

Introduction to Semiotics