Monday 6 December 2010


Signifier - The headline for the article and the imagery of the previous princess and the soon to be new princess.

Signified - The world seems to already have Kate Middleton condemned to a similar fate as her husband to be mother. 

Denotation -That to become a royal you must be trained and you must be apart of the elite, which may lead to some sort of mental breakdown without the right preparation. 

Connotation - It portrays the royal family as having a perception around them of being an elitist segment of British society. it also connotes a betterment to other classes or family backgrounds.   

1 comment:

  1. A satisfactory attempt. You understand the difference between signifier & signified but seem a bit more confused about denotation and connotation. Your explanation of what this image denotes is actually an explanation of the mythic elements of the image.
